World as Lover

Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música

Coming from different eras, the music in this programme explores intersecting trajectories and ideas. For Saint-Saëns, the 19th-century fascination with “exoticism” was more than just a fad. In love with Algeria, he composed a suite inspired by the meeting of cultures in the then-French colony. Contemporary composer Liza Lim draws from the environmental and Buddhist philosophy of Joanna Macy in a piece dedicated to the pianist Tamara Stefanovitch, who will perform it for the first time in Portugal this evening. The second half begins with a Cuban dance, followed by a striking blend of serialism, gospel and jazz, with a Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s mid-20th century piece for trumpet and orchestra that painted the raw reality of the Afro-American condition. This enticing programme concludes with George Gershwin and the energy he found in 1920s Paris.

Sala Suggia
€ 12,00 ‐ € 24,00
Liza Lim (©Astrid Ackerman)
Liza Lim (©Astrid Ackerman)
Tamara Stefanovitch
Tamara Stefanovitch
Sérgio Pacheco
Sérgio Pacheco


Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música
Stefan Blunier conductor
Tamara Stefanovitch piano
Sérgio Pacheco trumpet

Léo Delibes Airs de dance (from Lakmé)
Camille Saint-Saëns Rêverie du soir, from Suite algérienne
Liza Lim World as Lover, World as Self, for piano and chamber orchestra*

Arturo Márquez Danzón No. 2
B. A. Zimmermann Nobody knows de trouble I see, for trumpet and orchestra
George Gershwin An American in Paris

*Portuguese premiere



prices and DISCOUNTS


Zone 1 € 24
Zone 2 € 22
Zone 3 € 20


Juniors (< 30 years) 50%
Seniors (> 65 years) 15%
University Students 50%
Music Teachers and Students 50%
Amigo 25%
BPI Card 20%

