Sala 2
Sào Soulez Larivière
Echo Rising Stars

Sala 2
Matilda Lloyd
Echo Rising Stars

Sala 2
Crossing the ocean
Education Service · Our Concerts
MPB. In just three letters, a rich story that deserves to be told – and sung, or the acronym wouldn’t stand for Brazilian Popular Music. As the title of this concert promises, we’re going to cross the ocean in search of the myriad musicians and songs with which our sister country has continued to enchant the world for so long.
Sala Suggia
Song of the Night
Orquestra Sinfónica · Coro · Coral de Letras da Universidade do Porto

€ 15,00 ‐ € 30,00
Sala 2
Benjamin Kruithof
Echo Rising stars

Sala Ensaio 2
The Invention of Nature
Education Service · First Workshops
Inspired by the book A Invenção da Natureza by Alexander von Humboldt, the German naturalist and explorer who more than two hundred years ago defined the Earth as a great living organism, we embark on an odyssey that travels the planet from end to end and, between sound, visual and sensory landscapes, helps us to realise the importance of cultivating a deep respect for nature.
Sala Ensaio 2
The Invention of Nature
Education Service · First Workshops
Inspired by the book A Invenção da Natureza by Alexander von Humboldt, the German naturalist and explorer who more than two hundred years ago defined the Earth as a great living organism, we embark on an odyssey that travels the planet from end to end and, between sound, visual and sensory landscapes, helps us to realise the importance of cultivating a deep respect for nature.
Sala 2
Carlos Ferreira
Echo Rising Stars

Sala Suggia
Orquestra Clássica de Vigo
40th Anniversary

€ 9,50 ‐ € 19,00
No events in 12.05.2025

Sala 2
Luís Magalhães
A Dialogue with the Masters
In his latest recording, pianist Luís Magalhães invites us on a journey through the universe of four of the most iconic composers in the pianistic tradition: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms.