2024/2025 Season
First Concerts
With a musical spectrum ranging from classical to modern-day electronica, First Concerts are experiences aimed at babies and children from three months to six years old. The idea is to give them multiple avenues for encountering music, colourful moments with a strong visual component that invite all the senses to an active and interactive musical experience. As always, there will be no shortage of novelties.

He Who Tells a Tale Adds a Sound
October 28
Óscar Rodrigues artistic conception and performance
Filipe Fernandes, João Diogo Leitão, Ricardo Vieira, and Sofia Portugal performance
Miguel C. Tavares visual arts
Based on traditional and popular Portuguese music, with melodies that have been passed down from voice to voice over time, Quem Conta Um Conto Acrescenta Um Som pays homage to the richness and diversity of our culture. The stories and tales that these songs tell us tell of ladies and knights, processions, pagan rites, labour on land and sea, bogeymen and saints. Video manipulated in real time helps put the music into context through movement, colours and shapes.
28.10 monday
11:00am and 02:30pm
pre-schools (3-6 years)
€ 4
Room 2

Long live Vivaldi!
November 25
Sofia Nereida artistic conception, music, and performance
Flávio Aldo and Joana Pereira performance
This creation by the Educational Service was premiered in 2013, during the Year of Italy. It was a huge success, which led to it also being performed outside the Casa da Música. All the inspiration for Viva Vivaldi!, a show with a strong scenic component, comes from the music written by this great Italian composer of the Baroque period.
25.11 monday
11:00am and 02:30pm
pre-schools (3-6 years)
€ 4
Room 2

Little Pirates
January 27
Gira Sol Azul Collective artistic conception and performance
On board the ship of the Pequenos Piratas, no one is afraid of the sea: courage bursts from the chest and the gaze chases the horizon. In this epic there is no shortage of salt water and sun, fish and mermaids, storms and treasures. It’s the great adventure of going to the end of the world and back. A staged concert, designed to challenge the abilities and intelligence of the little ones with a fusion of influences topped by rock. It’s not obvious, it feels good and it’s even better.
27.01 Monday
11:00am and 02:30pm
pre-schools (3-6 years)
€ 4
Room 2

February 24
Joaquim Alves and Tiago Oliveira artistic conception and performance
Belmira Paulo, Rui Vilhena, and Tamy Rodrigues performance
More than a concert, Tom Afro Tom is an invitation to embark on a sound journey through Africa, Europe, and South America, exploring the richness and magic of the diversity of the Portuguese language sung amidst warm breezes, century-old buildings, and lush forests. Hurry up, the boat is about to leave!
24.02 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
Preschool groups (ages 3-6 years)
€ 4
Sala 2

Velvet Sounds
March 24
Paulo Lameiro artistic direction and performance
Alberto Roque musical direction and performance
Inesa Markava, Isabel Catarino, José Lopes, and Pedro Santos performance
Because they are so tiny, it may seem that babies don’t fall in love with adult-scale musical instruments. It’s a sweet misconception, just like the sweet sound Gil serves us from his tuba. When he embraces that chubby shiny roll, many children and parents cover their ears, fearing the intensity they expect to hear. And what emerges from within is a velvet sound! This concert will be full of surprises.
24.03 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
Preschool groups (ages 3-6 years)
€ 4
Sala 2

Baby World
May 19
António Miguel Teixeira artistic conception and performance
Education Service performance
The initial sounds of babies, their onomatopoeias, proto-words they dare to utter, and finally, their first words like “mama” and “papa,” are the basic ingredients for this concert, where the importance of listening to and cherishing those who will be the children and adults of tomorrow’s world is highlighted.
19.05 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
€ 4
Preschool groups (ages 3-6 years)
Sala 2

June 16
Beatriz Rola and Duarte Cardoso artistic conception and performance
Education Service performance
Claude-Emma, Debussy’s only daughter, was affectionately called Chouchou. The French composer was inspired by her to write some of the most beautiful pieces of impressionism. It is through this world of father and daughter that we set out today to discover the music of the early 20th century.
16.06 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
Preschool groups (ages 3-6 years)
€ 4
Sala 2
our concerts
These concerts come in a wide variety of forms: from parties and performances to staged concerts. Each one presents a unique musical proposal, with different instruments, styles, formations, contexts, themes, and audiences. However, all these shows are pieces of an infinite puzzle. The fundamental purpose is to celebrate the freedom to create, communicate, and share. Artists are involved, work and play are united. What follows is a wide range of original productions, aimed at audiences from six years old, ideal for schools and families, always fostering a very positive relationship with music.

On the Street of the Chaplain
October 14
Education Service artistic conception
Patrícia Costa, João Costa, João Moutinho, and Pedro Martins performance
Mr. Chaplain guides us through the history and stories of fado. He, who has always worked in a typical fado house in Mouraria, specifically on a street named after him, takes us to the 19th century, to Africa, to Brazil, and invariably returns to the 12 strings of the Portuguese guitar, the viola accompaniment, and the fantastic voice of the fadista. Have a good trip!
14.10 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

Eça is Eça
November 15
Mário João Alves original idea, texts, and staging
Ângela Alves, João Tiago Magalhães, Mário João Alves, and Paulina Sá Machado performance
Ópera Isto! co-production
This is the story of the creation of an opera. A place is brought, a plot, music is brought. But what music? We know that Eça de Queirós had a deep admiration for Offenbach’s operettas. After all, they were similar: ironic, iconic, laconic, and so on. Thus, the sound of Offenbach populates the small palace of Empresses Ang Ling and Pau Ling, in the Kingdom of Ti-Chin-Fu.
15.11 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

December 9
Beatriz Rola artistic conception and performance
Ana Conceição, André Soares, and Joana Raquel performance
A show created from the memories of our living room, Christmas is a journey through Christmas Eve as we know it, with stories, a letter to Santa Claus, food galore, and of course, music, ranging from Sérgio Godinho to Bach, including a Scandinavian winter solstice theme and a traditional Jewish song. All in dialogue with bells, music boxes, and narrated voice that lulls us to sleep.
09.12 Monday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

How to Nightfall a Firefly, According to Dr. Qwrtzfgtlvskh
January 17
Mário João Alves artistic conception, script, and staging
Ópera Isto! co-production and performance
Dr. Qwrtzfgtlvskh discovered that fireflies are, after all, small rhythmic envelopes, silent music, photobeats of the heart, luminocardiograms of the world. And they are also, according to him, singers eager for nightfall to see their friends and sing that song together. Yes, that song. Shall we learn how to nightfall fireflies?
17.01 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

Look Well
February 14
Óscar Rodrigues artistic conception
Beatriz Rola, Jorge Queijo, Óscar Rodrigues, and Ricardo Vieira music and performance
Anilupa animated films
Four films produced by the animation film studio Anilupa, signed by children and young people, are screened and soundtracked live. The music was created specifically for each of them and is played simultaneously with the projection by the composers themselves. The selection of films fits within the celebration of the 50th anniversary of April 25, 1974. The aim is to reflect not only on the half-century that has passed but also on the next half.
14.02 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

14 de março
Duo Vibra Tó artistic conception and performance
Gilberto Oliveira performance
Based on music with unconventional instruments, Kacharristão emphasizes the message of recycling as a lifestyle and a means of sustainability for our planet. This concert for knick-knacks and orchestra features guest soloists from the National Orchestra of Kacharristão, who speak three languages: music, recycling, and nature.
14.03 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

An Infinite Conversation
April 04
Teresa Gentil composition and musical direction
Serena Cacchioli script
Students and teachers of Escola de Música de Leça da Palmeira performance
Teachers and students of a new music school create and play together in an environment of freedom until one day they are surprised by communications imposing excessive bureaucracy and martial directives, without it being clear who issues them and for what purposes. Matita and her colleagues are forced to defend their freedom against such dictates. What if they could change everything, like on the dawn of 1974?
04.04 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

Crossing the Ocean
May 09
Education Service artistic conception
Lúdica Música and Clara Haddad performance
MPB. In just three letters, a rich history deserves to be told – and sung, as the acronym stands for Música Popular Brasileira. As the title of this concert promises, we will cross the ocean in search of the myriad of musicians and music with which our sister country has been enchanting the world for so long.
09.05 Friday
11:00 and 14:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 4
Sala 2

Peter and the Wolf
May 16
Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música performance
When Sergei Prokofieff composed the score for Peter and the Wolf, he found that representing each character with a distinct instrument was an effective method for teaching young people to recognize different sounds and relate them to their sources. The story is a moral tale that, involving people and animals, extols the values of friendship, courage, and mutual help. While the unfolding of the plot is also a function of the music, it does not dispense with the presence of a narrator on stage.
16.05 Friday
10:00 and 11:30
Primary and secondary schools
€ 5
Sala Suggia