Hands-on Sound

Participatory Concert

The Hands-on Sound concert is a unique, free-entry event made up of truly contemporary music. We propose an immersive experience in which the audience not only watches, but also actively participates in the universe of sound creation.
The protagonists of the evening are original instruments whose creators, who conceived and built them, will also be their interpreters. Each of them will present a performance that reveals the creative potential of their resonant artefacts and the specific soundscapes they make possible. Mão na Massa Sonora, organised by Digitópia Casa da Música, will also feature Sonoscopia and SAS Orkestra de Rádios, three collectives that have been exploring the potential of technology for community and collaborative music creation.
But the stage is yours too! We’re looking for sound instrument creators who want to present their creations. If you are developing an original instrument and would like to share your vision and sound, we invite you to submit your proposal to our open call until 27 November 2024, via this link.
Come and experiment, play, and discover new ways of making music. Mão na Massa Sonora is an invitation to audiences of all ages to explore, create and celebrate their sonic imagination. Take part or just come and watch and share this moment with us.

Sala Ensaio 1
Free entry

Technical sheet


Digitópia Casa da Música
SAS Orkestra de Rádios


General Information

Free entry, upon collection of ticket*

*Friend Card holders: pick up 7 days before the event

Rest of the public: pick up 24 hours before the event


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