Best Youth | An Evening In Everywhen

The title of this concert, “An evening in Everywhen,” encapsulates the essence of Best Youth’s proposal: an evening with the album that the Porto-based duo, composed of Catarina Salinas and Ed Rocha Gonçalves, presented to the public at Casa da Música in January. But this is not merely a return. The journey through the sonic universe of Everywhen is undertaken this time with special guests – The Legendary Tigerman, Moullinex, and Wolf Manhattan – whose versatility enhances the exploration of side currents to Best Youth’s indie pop roots, such as electronica, dance music, rock’n’roll, and blues. The repertoire also includes reinterpretations of less recent hits.

Sala Suggia
€ 17,00 ‐ € 22,50
Best Youth
Best Youth

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Vachier & Associados – Produção de Espectáculos, Lda