Training at the House
2024/2025 Season
The Rich Diversity of Portuguese Music, Rhythms and Traditional Instruments

With music, rhythms and root instruments as its motto, in particular the cavaquinho, viola braguesa and traditional cordophones, the aim of this training is to show what new and unique things can be achieved by creating bridges and disruptive, differentiating elements that enrich our experience in this global world with an excessive tendency towards standardisation.
Daniel Pereira Cristo trainer
26 October
02:30pm · rehearsal room 2
music teachers at all levels of education, musicians and trainers
€ 18
Artificial Intelligence in Music

Much has been said and speculated about Artificial Intelligence (AI), a topic which, because it is predicted to be crucial to the design of the future, divides public opinion between fear and fascination. This training course takes us through an analysis of AI – definition, processes, potential, limitations – in order to understand how, from the point of view of musicians and teachers, it can be an asset, both in artistic terms and in the transmission of knowledge.
Óscar Rodrigues trainer
16 November
14:30 rehearsal room 2
music teachers at all levels of education, musicians and trainers
€ 18

A multidisciplinary and universal gestural language of live composition for musicians, actors, dancers and visual artists, Soundpainting currently comprises more than 1,500 gestures. Created 50 years ago by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York, it is now widespread throughout the world. Philippe Martins, an experienced Portuguese-French trainer and musician, presents and explores this technique with the participants in real time.
Philippe Martins trainer
23 February
14:30 rehearsal room 2
music teachers at all levels of education, musicians and trainers
€ 18
Nappy Musicians II – Theory and Practice

After the huge success of the training held in 2024, Músicos de Fraldas is back, this time in an extended version and with room for a practical approach. Paulo Lameiro, musician and trainer, responsible for Concerts for Babies for over 30 years, shares his experience. A unique opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about working with babies.
Paulo Lameiro trainer
22 March
10:00 rehearsal room 2
pre-school teachers and educational assistants, musicians, trainers and music students
€ 22
Singing with Moira Smiley

Tours around the world, collaborations with musicians and groups from different fields, albums under her own name, recordings for other artists, appearances on some of today’s most famous television programmes – this and much more has been the career of American singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Moira Smiley. Her arrangement of Bring Me Little Water, Silvy is one of the most widely sung choral pieces of recent years, combining harmony with body percussion.
Moira Smiley trainer
23 June
14:30 rehearsal room 1
music teachers at all levels of education, choir directors, singers, musicians
€ 18