2024/2025 Season
our workshops
Experimentation is the watchword in these creative and dynamic workshops where each participant takes on the role of musician. The proposals vary according to the days of the week, from Monday to Thursday, and are aimed at schools and specific communities, covering all age groups. The trainers’ discourse, as well as the nature of the tasks they ask participants to undertake, is shaped by the characteristics of each group, ensuring the workshops are experiences of proximity.

Sea Blue
Flávio Aldo and Raquel Couto trainers
Does music have a role to play against the degradation of the blue sea, the blue planet? Of course, it does, primarily as a form of awareness. Its universality enhances the transmission of necessary notions and practices to create a less threatening future. Like a doctor called to an emergency, music is summoned here to help a sick planet.
21+28.10 | 04+18.11 | 09.12 | 20+27.01 | 03+10+17.02 | 10+17+24+31.03 | 28.04 | 05+12.05 | 02.06
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
pre-school (from 3 years old), basic education, vocational music education, communities and senior citizens
€ 3

Brave Song
António Miguel Teixeira and Paulo Neto trainers
A workshop that celebrates Portuguese song, from traditional to pop. Whether work songs, party songs, songs of sorrow, lullabies, or songs of joy, all the songs in this repertoire are brave. They and the participants, who have the privilege of musical construction in their hands.
05+19.11 | 14+28.01 | 11.02 | 11+25.03 | 06.05 | 03.06
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 3
pre-school (from 3 years old) and 1st cycle of basic education
€ 3

Sound Landscapes
António Miguel Teixeira and Paulo Neto trainers
How about dissecting sound to understand how the various elements that compose it – pitch, intensity, timbre, duration… – combine to create different soundscapes and musical experiences?
29.10 | 12+26.11 | 21.01 | 04+18.02 | 18.03 | 29.04 | 13.05
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 orange room
pre-school (from 3 years old), groups with special needs, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3

Nouvelle Cuisine – Sustainable Kitchen
Joaquim Alves and Tiago Oliveira trainers
Year after year, this musical-gastronomic workshop resurfaces with new ideas. For the 24/25 season, it proposes an environmentally responsible kitchen, favoring rhythms and melodies without a carbon footprint, instruments played without noise pollution, and recipes with high nutritional musical content. The famous duo of chefs Zen QuiNoa – Chef Quim and Chef Noa – will teach us to prepare a complete menu in an environment designed for an unforgettable tasting.
22+29.10 | 05+19+26.11 | 14+21+28.01 | 04+11+18.02 | 11+18+25.03 | 29.04 | 06+13.05 | 03.06
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
pre-school (from 3 years old), basic and secondary education, vocational music education, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3

Ana Isabel Oliveira and Ivo Brandão trainers
The story revolves around a doll. Made in the 18th century and bought by a musician who collects rare musical objects, Bachiana comes to life when she hears Bach. And so we go with her on a journey to the music of the German composer. But not only that: we also listen to the tones of our days that still draw from the inexhaustible source of Johann Sebastian Bach.
23+30.10 | 13+20+27.11 | 11.12 | 15+22+29.01 | 05+12+19.02 | 12+19+26.03 | 30.04 | 07+14.05 | 04.06
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
pre-school (from 3 years old), primary schools (1st and 2nd cycles), and vocational music education
€ 3

There’s Music in Numbers
Óscar Rodrigues and Tiago Oliveira trainers
Even in Ancient Greece, people thought about the relationship between music and numbers. But now, in the 21st century, we still want to know: how does that actually happen? Starting from active listening and through observing the world around us, the workshop seeks to find answers to the question that has fascinated humanity for centuries.
31.10 | 21+28.11 | 12.12 | 16+23+30.01 | 06+13+20.02 | 13+20+27.03 | | 08+15.05 | 05.06
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
basic (from 3rd year) and secondary education, vocational music education, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3
special Weeks
At selected times of the year, the regular workshop offerings take a break and give way to special weeks, consisting of different types of workshops mainly aimed at school groups. For this academic season, we have three proposals: the first fostering the connection between music and environmental awareness, the second introducing us to a powerful communal singing tradition from Indonesia, and the third stimulating knowledge of the sonic world around us.

From Trash to Music
Paulo Coelho de Castro instructor
Putting trash in the right bins is just a practical aspect of recycling philosophy. We can take objects that no longer serve their original purpose and give them new life, for example, by making music with them. This workshop demonstrates this, in an hour where creativity intervenes in organizing sounds, and both the process and the result contribute to environmental awareness.
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
primary and secondary schools, music vocational education, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3

Vocal Percussion from Indonesia
Philippe Martins instructor
There are places where communal singing holds immense importance. The entire population sings together to music often built from percussive sounds. A good example is kecak from the island of Bali in Indonesia, where singers are divided into several groups, performing choreographed vocal rhythms. A fantastic journey through other music and worlds.
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
primary and secondary schools, music vocational education, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3

There’s Physics in Sound
Filipe Fernandes and Inês Lapa instructors
Stimulating creativity, critical thinking, musical creation, and the exploration of everyday sound objects are the goals of this workshop, which involves various experiments related to sound. Within the context of a STEAM approach – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics – which enables the learning of scientific content through music, and vice versa, awareness of the sonic world around us is promoted.
10:00, 11:15, and 14:30 rehearsal room 2
primary schools (from 3rd grade) and secondary, music vocational education, communities, and senior citizens
€ 3
Big Friday
Aimed at large school groups, including classes from primary (from 3rd grade) and music vocational education, these workshops last two and a half hours, allowing for more extensive contact with music. They are held three times a year, led by members of our team of instructors, who work with participants during a morning, either as a whole group or divided into smaller groups, culminating in a performance. Individual and collective dimensions are complementary in these workshops, meeting schools’ needs by allowing them to bring a larger number of students to Casa da Música, where they also become musicians and collaborate on the same project.

Traditional Portuguese Music
15 November
Beatriz Rola, Joana Castro, Joaquim Alves, and Tiago Oliveira instructors
For this workshop, we propose a journey through traditional Portuguese music. A celebration that summons the family of traditional instruments, as well as anyone who wants to try them to play our simple and complex melodies and rhythms. The celebration is made of the vibration of sounds and the joy of those who produce them.
Friday 10:00-12:30 | presentation 12:30
various spaces
primary schools (from 3rd grade) and music vocational education
€ 4

Singing at Casa
07 February
Dalila Teixeira, Lilian Raquel, Luísa Matos and Raquel Couto instructors
We return to singing, but this time focusing specifically on Portuguese popular music. From north to south, there are excellent examples of songs that allow creative exploration by participants. We musically travel across the territory and learn a little more about our culture.
Friday 10:00-12:30 | presentation 12:30
various spaces
primary schools (from 3rd grade) and music vocational education
€ 4

Body Percussion
16 May
André Nunes, Joaquim Alves, Luís Arrigo and Luís Santiago instructors
Clapping hands is not enough. The challenge runs from head to toe to discover how generous nature has been with us. Our body is the drum kit, and sounds live in it. Let’s make it play. Through simple exercises, we discover ourselves. Together, we are a percussion orchestra.
Friday 10:00-12:30 | presentation 12:30
various spaces
primary schools (from 3rd grade) and music vocational education
€ 4