2024/2025 Season

World Music Day
Every year, on the day that is dedicated to celebrating music, the Education Service makes it a point to mark the occasion with always different proposals, demonstrating the uniqueness of the creative and renewing impetus that characterizes its work. This year’s project is an absolute premiere and a return of the celebrations to the streets; Con Brio will bring music and contemporary circus to different spaces in the city. It is an invitation to all to actively participate in the musical experience.
Con Brio
October 1st
Radar 360º co-production
António Franco de Oliveira artistic direction and staging
Marco Freire musical direction
Julieta Rodrigues artistic direction and costumes
Performed outdoors, Con Brio involves the audience in an odyssey of musical creation that uses the surrounding soundscape as its raw material. Contemporary circus artists join the process and enhance the festivity, further enriched by visual and graphic elements that stimulate the senses and imagination of those present.
01.10 Tuesday
11:00 and 14:30 various locations around the city
Schools and general public
Free entry

Children’s Day
Always celebrated with very special shows, Children’s Day reminds us of the importance of listening to the youngest among us. This year, the Education Service marks the occasion with Vintenário, a production that commemorates Casa da Música’s twentieth anniversary.
June 2nd
Paulo Neto artistic conception and performance
Education Service performance
Many songs have been created over 20 years at Casa da Música, especially for the workshops and concerts held here during that time. Today is a day to recall some of them, part of an invaluable legacy that allows us to celebrate Casa da Música and children together.
02.06 Monday
11:00 and 14:30 Sala Suggia
Preschool and elementary school students
€ 4