Around the baroque
In its 21st year, the festival Around the Baroque continues to promote a wide variety of viewpoints about a period (and the eras surrounding it) of great artistic deeds – music full of questions that challenges researchers and musicians to discover the ideal performance, combining the search for historical accuracy with an inevitable dose of creativity. The start of this edition features the final work of a genius – Mozart and his legendary Requiem – from the informed angle of a great Mozart specialist, the conductor Clemens Schuldt. The Orquestra Barroca links up again with one of the most prestigious specialists in early music, the conductor and violinist Fabio Biondi, paying special attention to the First Viennese School of Haydn and Mozart and jumping over to Italy to present the less well-known Pugnani. Remix Ensemble explores the impact of Baroque-era innovations in the present day, particularly the concerto, working for the second time with the prestigious conductor Michel Wendeberg. The Choir presents a mass by one of the most influential names in music history, Alessandro Scarlatti, written in 1705 for the Sistine Chapel, in a concert that includes a work in the finest polychoral tradition of João Rodrigues Esteves, a notable figure from the Portuguese Baroque period.