Orpheon Portuense

Orpheon Portuense was founded in 1881 by the violinist, composer, conductor, musicologist, and educator Bernardo Moreira de Sá. It played a significant role in the musical dynamism of Porto from its inception until the late 20th century. Besides promoting amateur musical activities among its members, both for choral music and chamber music, Orpheon Portuense stood out in organizing concerts, and quickly become the most important concert-promoting institution in the city. Throughout the 20th century, it continued to host concerts that significantly influenced the international careers of great national artists such as Guilhermina Suggia. Prominent soloists, orchestras, and international conductors received their debuts in Portugal through the initiatives of Orpheon, which were crucial in introducing new repertoires to Portugal, enlivening cultural venues in Porto and neighbouring districts, commissioning new works from Portuguese composers, attracting audiences, and promoting musical excellence at various levels.
Orpheon Portuense was recently dissolved as a private company (the oldest concert society in the Iberian Peninsula), leaving behind a documentary collection (over 3,000 documents) that chronicles its activities. This collection was donated to the Fundação Casa da Música and has been housed in its Mediateca, following an inventory process. This collection represents an invaluable resource for understanding the musical life of Porto from the late 19th century. The most significant part comprises scores, concert programmes, press clippings, artist photographs (many autographed), diplomas, administrative documents and promotional materials.
The Fundação Casa da Música has also made the Orpheon Portuense’s documental collection available for consultation by university students, researchers, and scholars in the fields of Music History and the history of the city of Porto.